NinjaEssays Writing Contest

Show off your writing skills in the new NinjaEssays contest
The NinjaEssays team is proud to announce our next essay writing contest, which will be more exciting than ever! Suffice to say, we were more than happy with the outcome of our previous contest. We got to read so many great essays, and discover many writing talents among the applicants. That is why we decided to launch another contest with topics that will really get your creative juices flowing!
- First NinjaEssays Writing Contest August-November 2014
- Second NinjaEssays Writing Contest November-January 2015
- Third NinjaEssays Writing Contest February-April 2015
- Fourth NinjaEssays Writing Contest July - December 2015
- Fifth NinjaEssays Writing Contest December - May 2016
- Sixth NinjaEssays Writing Contest July - August 2016
You won't be discriminated againtno matter what kind of opinion you state in your essay. You are free to write what you likeand we won't discriminate againstanycontestant based on race, color, gender, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, disability or nationality.
You will set an example and become a role model for thousands of other students who will view your outstanding writing. You might even inspire someone to start writing.
Get started today, but make sure you've read all the INSTRUCTIONS carefully!
Submissions are accepted from July 15, 2016 through August 31, 2016.
The finalists will receive a notification via e-mail by September 10, 2016.
Total words - 700-800.
Write an essay on a topic you're really passionate about. And don't worry you have plenty of time to prepare and research. One entry per candidate is permitted.
There is NO ENTRY FEE!
Team of Judges
Your entry will be evaluated by expert top writers from All the judges will be unaware of the personal information of all contestants, so that the judging and evaluation process is completely fair and unbiased.
- Each entry should be 800-1000 words long.
- Please provide your contact information on a separate page.
- The accepted file types of essays delivered: Word (.doc, .rtf, .odt, and .docx). Include images only if you have the right for distribution.
- No plagiarism will be tolerated! All entrants that submit already published essays will get disqualified. We will use an advanced plagiarism check software to ensure that every essay is authentic.
- The essays must be written in English.
- Once you submit your entry you agree with the Terms and conditions of the contest and will respect the final choice of the judges.
Please provide an entry on one of the following topics:
- Should Writing Classes Be a Priority in All Educational Institutions?
- Is Technology in the Classroom Beneficial for Developing Skills?
- Does Academic Writing Actually Improve Student's Writing Skills?
- Is Multi-Tasking Good or Bad for the Brain?
- Is Practical Education More Useful than Theoretical Education?
- How Has Story Telling Changed in the Last Century?
- Does Homework Help Students Evolve or Slow Them Down?
1st place wins - $500
2nd place wins - $300
3rd place wins - $150
How to Enter
Before you can become a contestant in our essay competition, you need to like the NinjaEssays Facebook Page and share the post about NinjaEssays Writing Contest on your own Facebook page OR to follow NinjaEssays Twitter Profile and retweet the tweet about NinjaEssays Writing Contest. If you decide to submit your entry via email, make sure to like the NinjaEssays page and share the post about contest.
The choice of topic is all up to you. Choose the topic you like the most and submit your entry via email to The subject of the email should be "Essay Writing Contest" and the body of the email should contain your name, age and country you come from. Make sure to respect the deadlines!
Don't forget to get creative!
First NinjaEssays Writing Contest August-November 2014
Submissions were accepted from August 20 through November 1, 2014. The finalists received a notification via e-mail on November 5, 2014.
Topics were:
- "Essay writing as one of the greatest trends and issues in contemporary education."
- "The unbearable lightness of being: Is the accessibility of modern education a problem? Should everyone gain a degree?"
- "The significance of education in my life."
- "How a book changed my life."
- "Is college education inevitable for career readiness?"
- "Are contemporary educational tools diminishing the role of teachers?"
- "Teamwork in schools: is it inspiring or discriminating?"
- The winner is Luu Quang Chе (Vietnam) with his essay "Teamwork in Schools: Is It Inspiring Or Discriminating?".
- Second place - Kaluwa Abasi (Kenya), her essay is "Are Contemporary Educational Tools Diminishing the Role of Teachers?".
- And third winner is Steven Sloan (USA), "The unbearable lightness of being: Is the accessibility of modern education a problem? Should everyone gain a degree?".
Second NinjaEssays Writing Contest November-January 2015
Submissions were accepted fromNovember 20, 2014throughJanuary 15, 2015.The finalists received a notification via e-mail on January 20, 2015.
Topics were:
- "Urban Literacy as a Goal of Contemporary Education"
- "Do Students Form or Lose Their Voice in Today's Educational System?"
- "Students' Development in the Digital Age: Intellectual Freedom or Frivolity?"
- "Importance of Fine Arts Education in Public Schools"
- "Old-School Teachers in the EdTech Age"
- "Education as an Influential Factor in Developing Countries"
- "Colleges as Training Grounds for Employment"
- "Can Foreign Students Reach Their Academic Potential?"
- Olanna Okonkwo from Nigeria with the essay "Colleges as Training Grounds for Employment".
- Second prize goes to Eric Milner from USA with "Students' Development in the Digital Age: Intellectual Freedom or Frivolity?".
- The third winner is Budi Pertiw from Indonesia with "Can Foreign Students Reach Their Academic Potential?".
Third NinjaEssays Writing Contest February-April 2015
Submissions were accepted fromFebruary 12, 2015throughApril 27, 2015.
Topics were:
- "Are Standardized Tests an Effective Way to Measure Students' Achievements?"
- "Violence in Schools: Causes and Solutions"
- "The Ethics of Contemporary Literature: Are Writers Promoting Wrong Values?"
- "The Liberating Values of Education in Conflicted Countries"
- "Ed-Tech Tools in Modern Education: Advantages and Concerns"
- "Is Academic Writing Relevant for Students' Progress?"
- "Extracurricular Activities: An Inspiration or Unnecessary Burden?"
- "The Rise and Fall of Liberal Arts in Schools"
- "Is Contemporary Education Independent from Governmental Influence?"
- "Anti-Intellectualism as Part of Modern Education"
- The first place went to Calliope Beneventi from Italy with the essay "Anti-Intellectualism as Part of Modern Education".
- Second prize was awarded to Harry Burke from United Kingdom with "The Ethics of Contemporary Literature: Are Writers Promoting Wrong Values?".
- The third prize went to Azizi Owiti from Kenya with "Violence in Schools: Causes and Solutions".
Fourth NinjaEssays Writing Contest July - December 2015
Submissions were accepted fromJuly 1throughDecember 10, 2015.
Topics were:
- "Is Homeschooling Inferior or Superior to Traditional Learning?"
- "Digital Language: The Effects of the Internet on Modern Literature"
- "Are Parents Supposed to Provide Financial Support to College Students?"
- "Is 'Street Wisdom' Necessary for Professional Success?"
- "Nationalism in Contemporary American Literature"
- "African Writers: Diamonds of Contemporary Literature"
- "The Effects of Television Violence on Young Students"
- "College Dorms: An Inspiration or an Obstacle for Students' Progress?"
- "Higher Education: a Privilege or a Right?"
- The winner was Kalista Pang from Malaysia with the essay "Nationalism in Contemporary American Literature".
- Second prize was awarded to Nora Collins from USA with "College Dorms: an Inspiration or an Obstacle for Students' Progress?".
- Third place went to Eric Rijkse from Netherlands with "Are Parents Supposed to Provide Financial Support to College Students?".
Fifth NinjaEssays Writing Contest December - May 2016
Submissions were accepted fromDecember 16, 2015throughMay 25, 2016.
Topics were:
- "Education Under Dictatorship: How Can Students from These Systems Break Regimes?"
- "Should Modern Readers Go Back to Printed Editions?"
- "Academic Writing: a Torturing or Rewarding Experience?"
- "Haiku: the Essence of Life in Seventeen Syllables"
- "Is Technology Making Learners Lazy?"
- "Naturalism in Literature: a Deeper Look into Realistic Characters"
- "The Effects of Television Violence on Young Students"
- "Is Standardized Education Necessary for Achieving My Career Goals?"
- The winner was Max Toohey from Australia with the essay "Is Standardized Education Necessary for Achieving My Career Goals?".
- Second prize went to Hayden Mandalis from Spain with "Is Technology Making Learners Lazy?".
- Third place was awarded toMatheus Santos Melo from Brazil with "Academic Writing: a Torturing or Rewarding Experience?".
Sixth NinjaEssays Writing Contest December - May 2016
Submissions were accepted fromJuly 15, 2016throughAugust 31, 2016.
Topics were:
- "Should Writing Classes Be a Priority in All Educational Institutions?"
- "Is Technology in the Classroom Beneficial for Developing Skills?"
- "Does Academic Writing Actually Improve Student's Writing Skills?"
- "Is Multi-Tasking Good or Bad for the Brain?"
- "Is Practical Education More Useful than Theoretical Education?"
- "How Has Story Telling Changed in the Last Century?"
- "Does Homework Help Students Evolve or Slow Them Down?"
- First prize was awarded to Balbeer Kaur from India with the essay "Does Homework Help Students Evolve or Slow Them Down?".
- Second prize goes to Febiah Magena from Nigeria with "Should Writing Classes Be a Priority in All Educational Institutions?".
- Third place went to Maurine Atieno from Kenya with "Does Academic Writing Actually Improve Student's Writing Skills?".