Top 15 Ninja Educative Social Media Tools
Now that we are able to connect with people from all around the world with the help of social media tools, it seems strange that there were communication boundaries between us at some point in the past.
No matter whether social media websites are viewed from positive or negative aspect, no one can deny their educational values. Educators are beginning to recognize the significance of these platforms for the teaching process, but it can be difficult to start using the greatest tools when there are so many to choose from.

How can you be certain that the platform you’re considering is exactly what you need? Which social media website can enhance your communication with students? To make things simpler for you, we’ve chosen the most useful social media platforms for educators, so you can start trying out the options from our list as soon as possible.
- Edmodo
- edConnectr
- Blogger
- Vimeo Video School
- Google+
- TedEd
- HootSuite
- RebelMouse
- DailyMotion
- GogoYoko
- LabforCulture
- ResearchGate
Edmodo is a concept that connects all learners with the educational resources they need. This educative platform is a place where students and teachers can communicate with each other in the most convenient manner. If you are looking for a way to make your students excited about the things they need to learn, Edmodo is your number one choice. You can use this website as a tool where the discussion from class continues, and your students will be motivated to earn your badges for behavior or performance.
This is a great website that will help you communicate with other educators and learn from their practices. You can use edConnectr to share your own teaching experience, find like-minded educators and collaborate with them.

Writing a blog that will connect you to your students may be the best thing you have ever done to enhance the communication in your class. You can post useful links, explain lessons and inspire discussions. Your students will be much more comfortable to join the conversation on a blog post when compared to class discussions.
Vimeo is not only used by random people who like sharing videos on twitter and Facebook. Teachers can use VImeo Video School to create tutorials and lessons that will be easy for their students to understand. You can also use this tool to get your students interested in creating videos and enable them to complete video projects more easily.
Your entire class loves Instagram, so why not use it for something more than adding effects to photos and sharing them? You can use Instagram to create assignments, such as photo essays for example. Inspire your students to use this tool for something more useful than food photos – they can use it for a lesson or even create campaigns with social value.
Posting tweets is the best way to reach out to your students and remind them about the assignments they need to complete before a close deadline. You can tweet famous quotes that will inspire them, share useful links or use the platform for whatever else you find relevant about their education.
There probably isn’t a student in your class who isn’t using Facebook. This website has made connection and collaboration easy, so you can use its popularity to get in touch with your students and share useful links and reminders. However, don’t forget to watch your Facebook reputation and keep a separate profile for personal use, where you will be free to show your true self away from the classroom.

Google+ may not be as popular as Twitter and Facebook, but that is exactly what you will benefit from. You can create a circle with your students and share lessons or reminders that will remain private. This platform gives you the right tools to connect with your students and make all lessons easier to understand.
TedEd enables you to create and share clips with the aim to teach lessons in a fun and understandable way. You can also find interesting animated clips of all academic areas, including economics, psychology, health, art, language, literature, technology, social sciences, and other categories.
This is a great social networking manager that will enable you to access different social media forms and evaluate their usability and value. You can use HootSuite to manage different social networks without getting lost in the craze. Analyzing social media traffic will help you find the best tool for connecting with your students.
This is another tool you can use for organizing all social media networks you use. Bringing all platforms together will easily fit into your teaching agenda without taking too much of your free time.
You can use this French video sharing platform to post your own videos or share some valuable video content that’s already available on DailyMotion. Your students will love exploring new social media tools, so this might be more interesting than what they already know (Facebook and Twitter).
GogoYoko is a social media platform that makes sharing and streaming music easy. You can use it to help the talented musicians and artists in your class get the promotion they deserve.
This platform enables artists to start their own blogs or art groups and connect with the like-minded community. You can use LabforCulture to find art news about exhibitions or events and help your students with their art projects. By putting this tool into use, your students will get an understanding for the life and work of real modern artists.
This website brings scientists together and enables them to collaborate with each other. You can use he platform to add your publications, connect with colleges and specialist in your academic field, and make your research visible.