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NinjaEssays WordCount Tool

Symbol count: 0
Symbols without spaces: 0
Word count: 1

Counting words in the documents you type is not something you would want to spend your time with, and the usual word count tools in common word processors are not that convenient when you need to find the exact number of characters and words you type.

NinjaEssays Word Count Tool is the easiest way to find out how many words and symbols your content contains. You can type directly into the box or paste the text you want to analyze. The tool will provide you with an accurate word and character count once you click the Count button.

The Word Count tool is much more than a character counter; you can also use it to find out how many times you have used a particular word in the text. If you have favorite words that you’re using too often, they are diluting your texts and making them less captivating. When you analyze the text with our word counter, you will easily see which words were too commonly used, so you can replace them with synonyms or rephrase the sentences to bring the content to perfection.

The best part is that the tool is completely free of charge!


Type of paper Essay
Paper Topic Enlightenment Ideas Reflected in the Declaration of Independence
Subject American History
Type of paper Essay
Paper Topic Can money buy happiness?
Subject Psychology
Type of paper Essay
Paper Topic The struggle for african american equality
Subject History

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